Make every day easier by being organised & living clutter-free

What's included

Our gradual home management plan is about reconnecting to your home and boosting how it makes you feel through cleansing and revitalising your environment. 

We sort through clutter and possessions with you and act based on what you decide is best for each object. We can take items away, help with selling, organise them logically and to be aesthetically pleasing, and help you to find the correct permanent home for what you want to keep.

We offer support in house tasks such as organising cables and reducing trip and fall hazards for safety and confidence, We believe that home must feel like a safe place to be. We can also help with lower-level fixes such as putting together flatpack furniture, hanging curtains, and similar.

Cleaning is included, the process of decluttering means empty shelves and drawers so it's the perfect time to give things a good clean. Cleaning small appliances is also included. Deep cleaning plus decluttering and organising is possible at an additional cost.

We bring supplies to complete the tasks and take over parts of the process so you can focus on making decisions about your home, however, it can feel great to get stuck in!

The fee for three hours a week of physical decluttering, organising, and cleaning, with item removal (max: two boxes), is £135 which includes coaching to help you identify what is going to improve how your home makes you feel and professional advice on how to keep things organised.

Sessions can last as long or as little weeks as you need, we also do follow-up and ongoing support.

Speak about your situation by contacting or by contacting 07908135015.

A recent review from someone who is working with us on their gradual home management plan:

“Tor is a strong capable, hardworking positive person who can turn her hand to anything.  She is kind and professional and the results of her work are stunning.” 

Helen, Homeowner

The importance in reconnecting with your home

Our home is our sanctuary and it should be a place we like spending time in. 

Each day, our surroundings should promote inner feelings of wellbeing, calm and productivity. "Products of our environment" is truer than ever with many of us spending more time at home.

Do you like how your environment makes you feel? 

Do you feel inundated with 'stuff' and know you need to get organised but the job feels too big and you need help to achieve your goals? 

We can help you.